
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

28 tháng 11 2021

chủ đề là j vậy ạ

28 tháng 11 2021

Dear Ha,

Thank you for your last letter. I am happy to know that you have been well. Today I want to tell you about a vacation that I just went on. It started 3 days ago.

My family and I decided to go to Ha Noi to blow off some steam. It is the first time that we go there. We started at the Old Quarter. There were various types of delicious food for us to try. My favorite dish was the famous beef pho. I found a lot of shops that sell unique  After that, we saw the Sword Lake and the Turtle Tower. I had Trang Tien ice cream and it was so yummy! We also got to see the Temple of Literature and learned about the history of examinations in the past. It was an eye-opener for our family. If you want, I can tell you about it.

How was your summer holiday? I want to know all the details. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Minh Anh.

Bản dịch nghĩa:

Hà thân mến,

Cảm ơn bạn vì lá thư trước. Tôi rất vui khi biết rằng bạn đã khỏe mạnh. Hôm nay tôi muốn kể cho bạn nghe về một kỳ nghỉ mà tôi vừa trải qua. Nó bắt đầu 3 ngày trước.

Tôi và gia đình quyết định đi Hà Nội để xả hơi. Đây là lần đầu tiên chúng tôi đến đó. Chúng tôi bắt đầu ở khu Phố Cổ. Có rất nhiều loại thức ăn ngon cho chúng tôi thử. Món ăn yêu thích của tôi là món phở bò nổi tiếng. Tôi tìm thấy rất nhiều cửa hàng bán đồ độc đáo Sau đó, chúng tôi đi ngắm Hồ Gươm và Tháp Rùa. Tôi đã ăn kem Tràng Tiền và nó rất ngon! Chúng tôi cũng đã được xem Văn Miếu và tìm hiểu về lịch sử của các kỳ thi trong quá khứ. Buổi tham quan ấy đã mở rộng tầm mắt cho gia đình chúng tôi. Nếu bạn muốn, tôi có thể kể cho bạn biết về nơi này.

Kỳ nghỉ hè của bạn thế nào? Tôi muốn biết tất cả các chi tiết. Tôi mong chờ được nhận phản hồi từ bạn.

Lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất tới bạn,

Minh Anh.

13 tháng 9 2020

Đề bài: Viết một bức thư cho người bạn ở xa.

Bài làm

Hà Nội, ngày 13 tháng 9 năm 2020

Hằng thân mến,

Hôm nay là ngày chủ nhật, tạm gác lại mọi công việc, mình đang ngồi viết thư cho cậu đây. Tuần trước, cậu cùng với gia đình vừa mới chuyển vào Nam sống. Cho nên, mình muốn viết thư hỏi thăm tình hình hiện tại của cậu và gia đình. Và tuần này là một tuần đặc biệt đối với cậu, cậu có biết vì sao không? Vì ngày kia sẽ là sinh nhật tròn 14 tuổi của cậu. Cho nên, qua bức thư này tớ muốn gửi lời chúc mừng sinh nhật. Chúc cậu bước sang tuổi mười bốn ngày càng xinh đẹp, học giỏi và gặp nhiều may mắn trong cuộc sống! Vì năm nay cậu không có ở Hà Nội nên tớ không thể cùng cậu tổ chức sinh nhật như mọi năm được nữa, tớ chỉ có thể gửi lời chúc đến cậu. Ngoài ra, tớ còn gửi kèm với bức thư một món quà nho nhỏ là một con gấu Krunk mà cậu thích nữa đấy. Hi vọng cậu sẽ vui khi nhận được món quà này.

Cuộc sống của cậu trong Nam vẫn ổn chứ? Cậu có gặp khó khăn gì khi đi học trong đó không? Bạn bè ở đó có đối xử tốt với cậu không? Tớ biết, khi rời xa nơi mình đã gắn bó suốt bao năm, phải xa bạn bè, thầy cô, những người mình yêu quý, cậu sẽ rất buồn. Tớ biết cậu mới chuyển vào đó ở nên còn khá lạ lẫm, chưa thể nào thân quen hết với tất cả mọi người vì tính cậu khá nhút nhát, nhưng cũng đừng lo lắng quá, rồi một thời gian nữa cậu cũng sẽ quen thôi. Khi nào buồn thì cứ gọi điện cho tớ nhé! Hôm nay, tớ viết thư để thông báo với cậu một tin vui, tớ đã được chọn vào đội tuyển học sinh giỏi Văn để đi thi cấp thành phố đấy, khi nghe tin này, tớ đã mừng rỡ và hạnh phúc vô cùng, người đầu tiên mà tớ muốn báo tin này đó chính là cậu. Cảm ơn cậu đã luôn động viên tớ trong suốt khoảng thời gian vừa qua. Nhờ có cậu mà tớ đã cố gắng được đến tận vòng này. À hôm trước, khi chúc mừng tớ được vào vòng trong, cô chủ nhiệm có nhắc đến cậu đấy. Cô bảo là cậu chuyển đi, cô rất buồn vì cậu là một học trò xuất sắc nhất mà cô từng dạy. Nghe thế, tớ cũng buồn lắm. Bây giờ không có ai đi học cùng tớ, học bài cùng tớ, ngồi hàng giờ liền để lắng nghe tâm sự của tớ. Mỗi lần tớ bị bố mẹ mắng là tớ lại tìm tới cậu để tâm sự. Cậu luôn tìm cách để an ủi tớ. Những lúc như vậy, tớ thấy rất thoải mái, dễ chịu. Cậu nấu ăn rất ngon, mỗi lần sang nhà cậu chơi, cậu đều làm cho tớ những món ăn mới mà cậu tự học được trên mạng. Tớ nhớ nhất là lần cậu làm mì cay cho tớ ăn, dù nó cay nhưng ăn ngon lắm. Tớ và cậu vừa ngồi ăn vừa cười đến chảy cả nước mắt nước mũi. Ngoài ra, cậu còn biết đan len nữa, năm ngoái cậu còn tặng tớ một chiếc khăn len màu hồng, tớ đã vui biết nhường nào! Trong ấn tượng của tớ, cậu giỏi hầu như mọi thứ, trái ngược hẳn với tớ, dường như không có gì là cậu không biết làm. Những kỉ niệm, những ấn tượng về cậu, đó sẽ là những kỉ niệm đẹp, dù sau này cuộc sống có thay đổi ra sao thì tớ cũng không thể nào quên được.

13 tháng 9 2020

Dear Xuan Lan!

You and I have not met for a long time. I write this letter to ask about my health and tell Lan about my dreams in the future. Lan Oh! How are you and your family lately? How is your learning situation? My family is fine. My study results are still good. And my dream is to become a doctor. I want to be a doctor because last year, I fell and broke my arm. My mother immediately took me to the hospital. The doctor taking care of me is Ms. Nga. She takes care of herself enthusiasally and thoughtfully. That day my mother asked: "What will you do when you grow up?". I think about the scene of Ms. Nga working, taking care of patients, so I immediately answer: I want to be a doctor Ms. Nga, mom! ". My mother smiled, I know she understood my dream. I think in the future, if I want to become a good doctor, I must study subjects well, and in addition, it is the prace of morality and dignity. A doctor is not good enough, you must have medical ethics, right Lan, right? Come on! The letter was long! Let's stop writing here. As for Lan, if Lan has any dreams, tell me, we will share! Good luck, good study. Hello!

Lan's friend,

Thu Hien

cách làm này khởi nguồn từ nước Anh, nó đã từng làm cho trái đất này đảo lộn cả chục lần, bây giờ vận may đang đến với bạn, nếu như bạn làm theo đúng yêu cầu, trong bốn ngày bạn sẽ gặp may mắn, không phải là chuyện đùa đâu nhé, bạn nhất định sẽ gặp may mắn đấy, bạn không cần phải gửi tiền, bởi vì vận mệnh là vô giá! Bạn đừng giữ lại thông tin này, nhất định phải...
Đọc tiếp

cách làm này khởi nguồn từ nước Anh, nó đã từng làm cho trái đất này đảo lộn cả chục lần, bây giờ vận may đang đến với bạn, nếu như bạn làm theo đúng yêu cầu, trong bốn ngày bạn sẽ gặp may mắn, không phải là chuyện đùa đâu nhé, bạn nhất định sẽ gặp may mắn đấy, bạn không cần phải gửi tiền, bởi vì vận mệnh là vô giá! Bạn đừng giữ lại thông tin này, nhất định phải gửi đi trong vòng 96 tiếng đồng hồ. Bạn hãy copy thành 20 bức và gửi đi, hãy chú ý xem trong vòng 4 ngày sẽ có chuyện gì xảy ra với bạn? Bức thư này là do giáo chủ khu đạo DE của Nam Phi (Anthony) viết và do Vinilon gửi đi. Vì bức thư này cần được copy lưu chuyển khắp hành tinh cho nên bạn nhất định phải copy gửi cho bạn bè mình, ít hôm sau sẽ xảy ra chuyện làm bạn vô cùng kinh ngạc đó, có thể bạn không mê tín, nhưng đây là chuyện có thật 100%. Hãy chú ý sự thực dưới đây!!! Một người Philippin sau khi nhận được bức thư như thế này, anh ta đã không gửi nó đi, anh bị mất đi người vợ của mình, sau đó anh đã làm theo, và trước khi vợ chết anh ta kiếm được 7.775 vạn bảng Anh. Năm 1987, Kostan. Ousi sau khi nhận được bức thư này, anh nhờ thư ký copy ra 20 bản và gửi đi, vài hôm sau anh này trúng xổ số 2.000.000 bảng Anh. Một người trẻ tuổi nước Anh (约 卷 相), nhận được bức thư này nhưng anh ta quên mất là phải gửi nó đi trong vòng 96 tiếng, và anh đã bị mất việc, sau đó anh tìm lại bức thư, lập tức gửi đi 20 bản copy, ba ngày sau anh được nhận chức vụ cao cấp trong chính phủ, sau này anh trở thành nhân vật số một ở Anh. Năm 1987 một phụ nữ Califorlia nhận được bức thư này, mặc dù bà đã quyết định gõ lại và gửi đi nhưng sau đó bà đã không làm như thế, sau đó bà gặp phải vô vàn những chuyện phức tạp, ví như phải trả rất nhiều tiền vào việc sửa xe, và bà đã in lại bức thư và gửi đi, ngay sau đó bà có được chiếc xe mới. Hãy nhớ bạn không cần gửi tiền! và đừng không thèm để ý gì tới bức thư này! Đây là một bức thư tình yêu chuyền tay, trong bốn ngày bạn nhất định phải chuyển cho 20 người đấy nhé. Sau 15 ngày, bạn sẽ gặp vận may

9 tháng 5 2021

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? what cái gì đây vừa dài và ko có hỉu

13 tháng 5 2022

This practice originated in England, it has turned this world upside down dozens of times, now luck is coming to you, if you do it right, in four days you will be lucky, it's not a joke, you will definitely get lucky, you don't need to deposit money, because fate is priceless! Do not keep this information, it must be sent within 96 hours. Please copy into 20 pictures and send them, pay attention to what happens to you within 4 days? This letter was written by the parish priest DE of South Africa (Anthony) and sent by Vinilon. Because this letter needs to be copied and circulated around the planet, you must definitely copy it and send it to your friends, a few days later something will happen to you that will surprise you, you may not be superstitious, but this is 100% true story. Notice the facts below!!! A Filipino after receiving a letter like this he didn't send it, he lost his wife, then he did, and before she died he earned £7,775 million . In 1987, Kostan. Ousi after receiving this letter, he asked his secretary to copy 20 copies and send them, a few days later he won the lottery £ 2,000,000. A young English man (约 ), received this letter but he forgot to send it within 96 hours, and he lost his job, then he found the letter, immediately sent 20 copies, three days later he was accepted to a senior government position, later he became the number one figure in the UK. In 1987 a California woman received this letter, although she decided to retype and send it, but then she did not, then she encountered many complications, such as having to pay a lot of money. a lot of money went into fixing the car, and she reprinted the letter and sent it out, and soon she got a new car. Remember you do not need to send money! and don't pay any attention to this letter! This is a hand-to-hand love letter, in four days you will definitely have to pass it on to 20 people. After 15 days, you will have luck .

xong nha.

22 tháng 7 2020

Hambergers, apples, bananas, watermelons, .........

22 tháng 7 2020

tomato, potato,cabbage,pizza, hamburger, fries,chicken,apple, grape,hot dog,...

nói chung là vegetable,fast food and fruit.

hi my name is kachi.My family have my dad,my mom,my older brother and me.My family is very considerate, they always care about me .And I also have people whom I consider to be sisters, brothers and sisters,their names are quynh chau,anh thu and ngoc tran.Anh Thu sings very well, she has a passionate voice and she also has a talent in painting, even though her appearance is very fat, she still shows everything.Quynh Chau is a very mischievous person and has "rabbit" teeth.Ngoc Tran is a person who is dissatisfied with everything but she can listen to people and solve everything.My mother's personality is similar to that of Ngoc Tran.Although my father was very strict, he always gave us the best.And my brother is a very lazy and lazy housewife but on the contrary he is very smart.I love my family and my sisters

Viết Về Người Bạn

The name of my friend is Lan. She is 10 years old. She lives in Ha Noi city. She is a good student. She is in class 5. Her father is a teacher and her mother is a housewife. She has one brother and one sister.

She is very hard working person. She is gentle and punctual. Her hobby is gardening. She shares her happiness with me. She is short and fat. But she is healthy and beautiful. She has short black hair. Her eyes are black too. She is a nice girl. She is always friendly and helpful. Everybody s her.

In the afternoon, we talk and spend a lot of time together. She is a witty person. She often tells jokes and riddles. She also helps me in my studies. She comforts me in my sorrows. She looks beautiful. She is my best friend. I feel proud of myself for having such a wonderful friend. I love her very much.

Viết Về Gia Đình

As a traditional family in Vietnam, I have a big one. My family has 5 members, including Mom, Dad, Grandma, sister, and me. My mom’s name is Giang. She has long hair and black eyes. She is a teacher. My Dad’s name is Trung. He is tall and very strong. His job is doctor. For me, my mom is the most beautiful woman, and my dad is the most wonderful man. And my grandma’s name is Tam. She is 95 years old, and next 5 years, we will organize the 100th longevity wishing ceremony, and I look forward to taking part in this ceremony. Besides, another woman who I love so much is my sister. Her name is Linh. She is 26 years old, and she is a beautiful woman Mom. Now, she is living in Ha Noi capital, because of her jobs. I really love my family, and I hope that we are always together anyway.

2 tháng 10 2021

I have a best friend, and his name is Minh. Minh has been my classmate since we were in elementary school, and it means that we have been friends for more than ten years. Minh lives near my house, so it can be said that he is also my neighbor. He is a chubby boy with curly black hair. He wears a pair of very thick classes since he is short eye sighted. He has been wearing them since he was a little boy, and it is hard to recognize him without his classes even for me. Minh is a good student at our school, but in return he is pretty bad at outdoor activities and sports. He spends most of his time studying, and his free time is used for playing video games or eating. I am his best friend, but my appearance is the total opposite from him. I am a tall and slim girl, and I love to play sports basketball and badminton. I try my best to take him outside, but I usually fail to do so. Instead, I will sit down and play games with him, and after that we will go outside to get something to eat. He helps me a lot with the school work, and we usually study together. We do our own homework, but after that we will exchange our notebooks to check each other's result. Every morning he stops by my house and waits for me to go to school together. We ride our own bikes, but recently his mother has an idea for him to work out that he has to take me to school on his bike as his morning exercise. Although he is not a prominent boy, most of the classmates still him because of his kind and gentle personality. I am proud to have a friend him, and I think that we are totally suitable for each other.

2 tháng 10 2021

bạn đc đấy

3 tháng 9 2018

Lên mạng nhé bạn

K mk nhé


Ai đổi k nhắn mk nha

3 tháng 9 2018

Long, long ago in Vietnam there lived an ancient King, his name was King Hung Vuong. He was a wise and thoughtful king who always tried to please his people and consider new ideas and because of this he was loved by his people. King Vuong grew old and he knew that soon it would be time to pass his kingdom on to his successor, the only trouble was the King Vuong had three healthy sons and he did not know who would be the best choice to be King. King Vuong being a wise and caring King thought very hard about this problem and in due course came upon a solution.

He called his three sons together and he rose up to his feet and declared; "Sons you are all wise and strong but only one of you can rule our precious Vietnam. So, I have devised a plan to determine which of you shall rule after my passing." All of the members of the court and his three sons listening attentively because King Vuong was known to be the wisest ruler in the whole of Asia.

King Vuong continued; "I would each of you to provide for me a dish of food, you must search for the ingredients and make the dish and serve it to me on the last day of this Lunar Month, and on the basis of this dish I will decide who is to be the ruler of our Kingdom."

Immediately the words had left this King's mouth, the attendants at the court began to talk in hushed whispers. They knew that this was a very wise pronouncement of their King because Vietnam with its large population and small land area must always give attention to food production to make sure that each person is well fed and healthy.

The three brothers stared in disbelief; "How could our father suggest such a method of deciding, why does he not test our strength?" said the first brother. "Why does he not he test our computational skills?" said the second brother surprisedly. The third and youngest brother just looked at the court and his father and made no comment.

Within days the two elder brothers had organized their servants and horses and carriages and were racing all over Vietnam and even to other parts of South East Asia to find the most delectable and delicious ingredients for the dish. One brother took a boat out into the South China Sea to fish for the finest tasting fish, the other brother went into the Khmer Mountains to find the most tender boar meat. Yet, Prince Tiet Lieu stayed at home and sat on his front step and pondered his father's request.

By the end of the Lunar Month each of the brothers had prepared their dishes and came before the whole of the Vietnamese royal court and their wise father King Vuong to present it. The first brother came to the father and presented a fine porcelain dish of flying fish dressed in a sweet Chili sauce and accompanied by costly lotus seeds. A hush came over the court as the father viewed the dish and placed it on the table. The second brother came forward and he opened a large copper cauldron and presented a joint of boar dressed with wild mushrooms and a rare wild fern sauce. Again all the court watched the father place the cauldron on the table. Then Prince Tiet Lieu came forward and opened his basket and displayed a large flat rice cake. The court and his brothers gasped, no-one would dare offer such simple fare to the royal King Vuong.

King Vuong said, "Prince Tiet Lieu, tell me why you have chosen to present me with such a simple rice cake."

Prince Tiet Lieu said, "Rice is the most precious and valuable of all food found in this Kingdom, yet it is also the most abundant. I have prepared a dish that represents my love for you and our beautiful Vietnam. I have cooked it thoroughly then molded it into a round rice cake, and called it Banh Day as it symbolizes the sky we live under. I have cooked a square rice cake, stuffed it with cooked bean paste and ground meat in the middle and called it Banh Chung. This will symbolize the earth we live on."

As Prince Tiet Lieu spoke his two elder brothers tried to mask the grandness of their dishes as they now understood the wisdom of their younger brother in using ingredients that all the people of Vietnam could have access to. Immediately they fell to their knees in front of their father and younger brother and bowed at the same time the whole court bowed to the father and son as everyone knew that Prince Tiet Lieu would make the finest King to rule after his wise father King Vuong. After that, King Hung Vuong ordered that this recipe be passed out to all people in his kingdom.

As the result, the Vietnamese custom is that every year during the New Year celebration, the Vietnamese people cook Banh Chung and Banh Day and use them as special offerings to their ancestors as well as special gifts to relatives and friends during the Tet celebrations. The Banh Chung is very nutritious, has an original tasty flavor and may be kept for a long time. All of its ingredients and materials, from the green wrapping leaves to sky rice and pork, green peas and pepper inside, are all medicines (according to Oriental Medicine) that act to keep harmony between the positive and the negative, thus helping the blood circulate well and preventing diseases.

mk nha bn!CHÚC BẠN HỌC TỐT!

I have a memorable childhood which has many experiences. One of the experiences I remember most is the first time I was invited to a birthday party. I was a 6-year-old girl and I had a bestfriend whose name is Lisa. We were very close and seemed we couldn’t live without each other until her birhtday. It was a beautiful morning when Lisa invited me to her birthday party and had no idea about how great her party would be if she didn’t ask me to attend. I was very happy and decided to make my bestfriend surprise by giving her a puppy as a present. Lisa didn’t dog or any animal but I almost forgot about that. I was confident to give her my present in her birthday and immediately realized that she didn’t my little dog which I myself chose to buy 3 days ago. While the party was going on, I stood in a corner of the room and watched how much she loved other normal presents such as teddy bear, dolls or crayons. I felt dissapointed but that was not the worst thing. About 20 mintues later, Lisa’s father gave a sign that was the time to taking out a birthday cake. It was the biggest birthday cake I had ever seen. The light went off. As soon as it went on, somebody screamed “It’s a puppy in the cake”. Everyone was surprise and they recognized that was my puppy. They looked at the puppy and then looked at me. I glanced to Lisa. She said nothing and about to cried. I was very confused and ashamed. I carried my puppy, said sorry to Lisa and ran out of the party. I couldn’t believe that I had just broken my bestfriend’s birthday cake because of a silly decision. I learned that never bring any animal with me to a party, especially bestfriend’s birthday party. It’s an experience that I won’t forget for the rest of my life. Luckily Lisa forgave me and we are still friend up to now. She always reminded me about her 6th birthday and we laughed a lot. 

13 tháng 6 2018

My elder sister is going to study abroad in French in next August. I will miss her and all the experiences that we had been through together. When I was a kid, I hated my sister so much. My parents always said something nice about her but nothing that about me. Morever she treated she was an adult and I was not. That made me angry and also jealous. We fighted to each other everyday that was bothered my parents. I even told to my dad that I wished my sister was not exsist. My dad was very surprise and he known he had to do something. It was a Halloween night and my parents decided to go out so we were home alone. After 30 minutes from the moment my parents left, the light in my house suddenly went off. I was very scared and hold my sister’s arm tightly. She was scared too. When the light went on, a gaint ugly black monster appeared in the kitchen. He caught me as soon as I saw him. “Don’t leave me, please. Help me, help me”- I screamed out. My sister cried and tried to pull me away from the monster. He said “Give me your candies and I will let your sister go”. My sister ran upstair and looked for the candies and then she came back and gave the monster all candies she had. But he changed his mind and didn’t want to take candies any more. Instead he caught my sister and let me go. I was no longer afraid of that ugly monster. I hit him over and over. “You can’t catch my sister. Let her go, now. Can you hear me?” –I screamed. Finally he let my sister go and ran out of the house quickly. I hugged my sister happily and we realized that how much we loved each other. I told my father everything and he was very satisfied with us. He said “There are many other monsters outside. When you’re grown up, you will face to them everyday so you have to love each other to fight those monsters”. Then my father smiled and asked me “If your sister had not exsisted, who would have protected you from the monster?” I felt regret about my stupid treaty and grateful that she still was with me. For a long time later, we known that monster was my father but it didn’t matter. It’s an experience that I will never forget. 

28 tháng 6 2021

tham khảo:

I was born and raised in the peaceful midland. The scenery here is beautiful. Along the Thao River, there are green banana gardens. In the morning sun, there are palm hills spreading cool green umbrellas. The immense tea hills run together to the horizon. The river winds beautifully a peach silk strip, carrying heavy silt. From the windy side of the dyke, I watched the fragrant rice fields. I see my village hidden among the luxuriant fruit gardens. That's where my house lives. The roof on stilts at the foot of the mountain is peaceful and simple. The red dirt village roads curve along the fields, embracing cornfields, tea fields, and simple houses among the green of the mountains. In the sunset, the smoke of the evening meal spreads in the mist, creating a scene that is both magical and extremely peaceful. I find my hometown so peaceful and lovely! I will never forget the beautiful pictures of my hometown.

28 tháng 6 2021

Bạn tham khảo nha:

Hi everyone, I am Nhung and today I will tell you about my hometown. I come from Hungyen which is a province in the North of Vietnam. There are not many buildings and constuctures here so the air is more fresh and clean than in the city. The weather is nice and it will comfort you and make you happy. The specialties of my hometown is Longan fruite. People in my country enjoy eating it so almost every houses grow them for selling. Everyone lives here take care of each others, they live a big family. In the evening, people in a neighborhood always gather in the large yard and chatting toghether after a long day of work. I love my hometown and the people here so much and I think, it does not matter how far you can go but hometown is always a place where you can come back anytime you want.  

Hc tốt?!

19 tháng 5 2022

gạch chữ thân đi nhé 


19 tháng 5 2022

At my best friend's house there is a very lovely baby. The baby is very obedient, can walk but still falls but does not cry, extremely obedient. When she wakes up in the morning, she doesn't cry like other children, but only speaks like a mother's voice. She can talk now, right? wow, I wish I had a sister like that, whoever has a sister or brother like that is so lucky
Bài của mình không hay đâu 

Tham khảo!

In the summer, people often travel to famous tourist spots. As for me, I had a memorable summer vacation in my hometown. After the school year ended, my parents took me and my sister back to my hometown. And so my wonderful summer vacation started. Un Hanoi, my hometown was very peaceful, with not a lot of cars, smog.

The weather in the countryside was very good. It was sunny but still cool because there was a lot of wind blowing. The sky was clear, the cicadas chirped all day. It was great in the countryside. Every morning, my grandfather and I exercise by walking to the fields. The sunrise was really beautiful. After that, I returned to help him pick up the straw broom.

In the afternoon, I and the children in the village went flying kites on the dike. The kites flying in the sky looked so beautiful. During the summer vacation, I was taught to swim by my grandfather. Every evening, my grandmother told me a story. The summer vacation ends, it’s about time I have to go back to Hanoi. I miss my grandparents and my time in my hometown very much. Next summer I will go back to my hometown.

14 tháng 2 2022

Bạn tham khảo nhé :

One of my best memories is the trip went to Ha Long Bay with my classmates last summer holiday. To me, the trip was not just a holiday but rather interesting experience and learning. Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh Province and is 151 km from Ha Noi City to the East. It is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. We took 4 hours to get to HLB by car. As soon as we reached there after a long journey, I was stunned by the beautiful scenic views that I only saw in pictures. HLB has a nice, clean, romance beach and there are many things to discover. After lunch, we took a short rest then we swam all afternoon. We stayed in a 3-star hotel in front of the beach. In the evening, after going back from club, we sat together on the beach to see the stars in the sky. It was so roman and relax. Next day, we hired a boat for a trip to see the islands. How amazing it is. I was extremely surprise with the natural beauty of Ngac Nhien and Sung So hang. I was so interested in areas and islands in HlB that I didn’t want to leave. We did so many activities included swimming, surfing, football, boat trip and shopping. We took a lot of photographs. I so d seafood in HL that I bought a lot of them as a present to my family when I came back. I really had a relax and wonderful time in HLB. That was pity when we only stayed there 2 days. The trip left me very much impressive and unforgetale memories.

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