
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

4 tháng 9 2017

1 That's Bod's, _____?

a. is that b. isn’t that c. are they d. aren’t they

2 My wife had never been to Hue, and _____.

a. never have b. so did we c. we did either d. neither we did

3 They must do as they are told, _____

a. so must I b. I must either c. I do too d. I am too

4 'I don’t like strong coffee' 'No, _____"

a. I don't too b. either don't I c. me either d. neither don't I

5 He hardly has anything nowadays, _____?

a. has he b. doesn’t he c. does she d. hasn't she

4 tháng 9 2017

câu 2 phủ định phải dùng neither hoặc either chứ

EXERCISES ON “BOTH ... AND, EITHER .. OR, NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO, NEITHER ... NOR” 1. Tom doesn't lie to his friends. Paul doesn't either. (neither ... nor) 2. He's betrayed your trust. He's betrayed your love for him. (not only ... but also) 3. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both ... and) 4. She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the exam. (not only ... but also) 5. We could fly. We could go by train. (both ... and) 6. The speaker will not...
Đọc tiếp


1. Tom doesn't lie to his friends. Paul doesn't either. (neither ... nor)

2. He's betrayed your trust. He's betrayed your love for him. (not only ... but also)

3. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both ... and)

4. She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the exam. (not only ... but also)

5. We could fly. We could go by train. (both ... and)

6. The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story. (neither ... nor)

7. Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Small pox is a dangerous illness. (not only ... but also)

8. The teacher gave Nam a good book. Nam’s parents gave him a good book. (both ... and)

9. Fred loves traveling. Jane wants to go around the world. (either ... or)

10. It might rain tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow. (both ... and)

11. Smoking isn't good for your heart. Drinking isn't good for your health. (neither ... nor)

12. Young people normally like only music but also sports. (both ... and)

13. The chickens haven’t been fed. The pigs haven’t been fed, either (neither ... nor)

14. Dan came from Thailand and Chow came from Thailand. (both ... and)

15. She carried me in her arms and she lulled me to sleep. (not only ... but also)

16. Mary went to London and Kate did, too. (both ... and)

17. You were mad. You were drunk. (either ... or)

18. My mother likes tea. And my father does, too. (both ... and)

19. Richard and John didn't keep her secret. (neither ... nor)

20. The underground is quick . It is also cheap. (not only ... but also)

21. You can find this book in the library or in a second-hand book shop (either ... or)

22. The boy is intelligent . He is hardworking, too. (both ... and)

23. He didn’t want coffee. He didn’t want tea, either. (neither ... nor)

24. Mary has both toothache and headache. (not only ... but also)

25. Helen likes cats. Mary likes cats. (both ... and)

26. You can take these tablets. You can also seek a doctor’s advice. (either ... or)

27. The thief stole my money. He also tore up my identify card. (not only ... but also)

28. He spoke French. He spoke German. (both ... and)

29. She should get a scholarship or she should work her way through medical school. (either ... or)

30. I’m not happy and you aren’t either. (neither ... nor)

31. Jane owns a shop. She owns a restaurant, too. (both ... and)

32. She’s at the office. She’s at the airport. (either ... or)

33. It was a very boring film and it was very long too. (both ... and)

34. He doesn’t have pen. And he doesn’t have paper. (neither ... nor)

35. Tom is my older brother and Peter is, too. (both ... and)

36. Chris didn’t have time to take a holiday. Sheila didn’t have time to take a holiday. (neither ... nor)

37. Nam’s handsome. Nam’s intelligent. (not only ... but also )

38. Peter was a football player and his brother was, too. (both ... and)

39. David doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play table tennis. (neither ... nor)

40. Mai plays the guitar well. Mai dances beautifully. (not only ... but also)

41. You can have fish for dinner. You can have chicken for dinner. (both ... and)

42. They came late. They left early. (not only ... but also)

43. Goats provide milk for cheese. Goats provide wool for clothing. (both ... and)

44. Mr. Brown has read a novel by Charles Dickens and he has seen the film made from it. (not only ... but also)

45. She’s French. She’s Swiss. (either ... or)

46. She can enjoy a good meal and she can go fishing on the lake. (not only ... but also)

47. David can’t play tennis. David can’t play football. (neither ... nor)

48. Ali has studied not only in the United States but also in Europe. (both ... and)

49. She’s tired. She’s hungry. (not only ... but also)

50. We can see the film tonight. We can see the film tomorrow night. (either ... or)

51. The pavements are both narrow and crowded. (not only ... but also)

52. She is not only beautiful but also graceful. (both ... and)

53. The black jacket didn’t fit her. The white one didn’t fit her. (neither ... nor)

54. I don’t have time to learn how to knit. I don’t have patience to learn how to knit. (neither ... nor)

55. They like field events and they like team games. (not only ... but also)

56. I didn’t have to go to school last Sunday. He didn’t have to go to school last Sunday. (neither ... nor)

57. That boy was dirty, and he was lazy, too. (not only ... but also)

58. Dick doesn’t need a bike. He doesn’t like to go on foot. (neither ... nor)

59. Mrs. Brown’s daughter is both beautiful and clever. (not only ... but also)

60. He hasn’t been to Ha Long Bay. And his sister hasn’t been there yet either. (neither ... nor)

61. He likes playing football and so do I. (both ... and)

62. She didn’t say a word and she didn’t smile. (neither ... nor)

63. The English team didn’t play well and the Scottish team didn’t play well, either. (neither ... nor)

64. He not only read the book but also remembered what he had read. (not only ... but also)

65. She can’t write fast. She can’t type. (neither ... nor)

66. They won’t come here tomorrow. They won’t stay at home.(either ... or)

67. Mary hasn’t studied Spanish. Her friend hasn’t studied Spanish.(neither ... nor)

68. You can turn in your homework today. You can turn in your homework tomorrow. (either ... or)

69. Jane doesn’t go to school today. Mary doesn’t go to school today. (neither ... nor)

70. Victoria needs a new coat. Victoria needs new tennis shoes. (both ... and)

71. He isn’t a doctor. I’m not a doctor. (neither ... nor)

72. We may go to The Fish House for lunch. We may go to Bahama Breeze for lunch. (either ... or)

73. She can’t ski and I can’t either. (neither ... nor)

74. Yesterday, it was cold. Yesterday, it was windy. (not only ... but also)

75. I don’t know how to sail. I don’t know how to ice-skate. (neither ... nor)

76. If I read a book, it must be interesting. If I read a book, it must be short. (either ... or)

77. Jack isn’t kind. Jack isn’t patient. (neither ... nor)

78. I would like to eat Pizza for lunch. I would like to eat salad for lunch. (either ... or)

79. Barbara doesn’t cook. Barbara doesn’t sew. (neither ... nor)

80. We may go to the movies this evening. We may go to the store this evening. (either ... or)

81. They didn’t like music. They didn’t like sports. (neither ... nor)

82. Bob is angry with his neighbors. Bob is angry with their dog. (both ... and)

83. John’s sons enjoy playing soccer. John’s sons enjoy swimming. (not only ... but also)

84. I can’t speak English. Nor can my sister. (neither ... nor)

85. Cuban food is tasty. Cuban food is nutritious. (both ... and)

86. Enrique doesn’t learn English. Enrique doesn’t learn French. (neither ... nor)

87. Mr Parker will move to France. He will change job and stay here. (either ... or)

88. She decided to change her major. She decided to change universities. (not only ... but also)

89. The architect did not design the building to be modern. She did not design it to be attractive.(neither ... nor)

90. Arthur is absent this evening. Ricardo is absent this evening, too. (both ... and)

91. The leopard faces extinction. The tiger also faces extinction. (either ... or)

92. The boy didn’t do his homework. He didn’t learn his lesson either. (neither ... nor)

93. Fred likes helping his friends. So does Linda. (both ... and)

94. Brian isn't very considerate. Tom isn’t considerate, either.(neither ... nor)

95. Ron enjoys horseback riding. Bob enjoys horseback riding. (both ... and)

96. The library doesn’t have the book I need. The bookstore doesn’t have the book I need. (neither ... nor)

97. It rained yesterday. It also snowed yesterday. (not only ... but also)

98. Jack didn’t do the homework. Tom didn’t do the homework, either. (neither ... nor)

99. Mary comes here tomorrow. Jane also comes here tomorrow. (both ... and)

100. Her husband doesn’t speak English. Her children don’t speak English. (neither ... nor)

Multiple Choice

1. I don’t like this book . It is ______ interesting ______ cheap . A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also

2. Neither Linda nor I _____ classical music. A. liking B. liked C. like D. likes

3. The baby is only two months old . He can ____ speak ____walk . A. neither / nor B. either / or C. both / and D. not / nor

4. He _______ a teacher or a doctor . A. is neither B. neither is C. is either D. either is

5. She is ______friendly _____intelligent so I can’t help admiring her . A. not only / but also B. either / or C. both / and D. A&C are correct

6. John is very poor. He has ______ house ______ money. A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also

7. ______ Linh ______ her sister like listening to pop music . A.Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also

8. Neither my friend nor I _____ that movie. A. don’t like B. likes C. doesn’t like D. like

9. Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure. I think it was ___ Michael ___ Paul. A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also

10. ___ Linda ___ Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated. A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also

11. ___ Ryan ___ Susie have disappointed me. They didn't come to my birthday party. A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also

12. He hurt ___ her feelings ___ her dignity. This is unforgivable. A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also

13. ___ loyalty ___ honesty are essential in a friendship. A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also

14. You should ___ disrespect ___ deceive your friends. A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also

15. I will take you ___ to the cinema ___ to the theatre. That's a promise. A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also

16. Neither my brother ________________ my mother knows about this. A. both B. either C. and D. nor

17. I felt ________________ happy and sad at the same time. A. both B. neither C. either D. not only

18. ________________ of the girls know how to dance. ( = Both girls are bad dancers) A. too B. either C. neither D. nor

19. He ________________ has a cat or a dog. I can't remember. A. too B. either C. neither D. nor

20. Not only Lee but also his sons ___ chess very well. A. plays B. has played C. is playing D. play

21. I'm thinking of traveling to either Argentina ________________ Brazil. A. or B. either C. neither D. nor

22. I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer. A. either – nor B. neither – or C. either – or D. not only – but also

23. ____ the radio ____ the television works properly. A. Neither – nor B. Neither – or C. Either – nor D. Not – nor

24. He ____ could not come ____ did not want to. A. either – or B. neither – or C. either – nor D. not only – but also

25. Not ____ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again. A. even B. only C. at all D. always

26. He neither drank ____ smoked, so he had good health. A. nor B. or C. but D. also

27. Now women work both before ____ after having their children. A. or B. also C. nor D. and

28. She ____ hard but also gets on well with her classmates. A. doesn’t only study B. studies not only C. not only studies D. not studies only

29. Either you leave now ____! A. I will also call the police B. but I will call the police C. or will I call the police D. or I will call the police

30. Not only John but also his two brothers ____ football as their recreation every weekend. A. play B. plays C. were playing D. has played

31. ____ Julia ____ her sister are going to the party. A. Both - and B. Neither - nor C. Either - or D. Not only – but also

32. She feels very lonely because she has ____ husband ____ children. A. both - and B. neither - nor C. either - or D. not only – but also

33. I love____ of my sisters equally! A. both B. either C. neither D. nor

34. ____ me nor my brother like mushrooms. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. Or

35. I'm so lucky! I went to ____ Spain and Tenerife this year! A. both B. either C. neither D. or

36. Both his parents and he ____ here now. A. are B. is C. was D. were

37. Either John or you ________________ responsible for the things that happened. A. is B. was C. were D. has been

38. I hate that song, and my sister hates it ________________ . A. too B. either C. neither D. nor

39. I'm not a big fan of that writer, and ________________ is my father. A. too B. either C. neither D. nor

40. I’m going to bed early tonight. I’m too tired; I can’t watch movie on TV. - ____ can I. A. Either B. Not C. So D. Neither

41. I don’t speak ____ French ____ German. A. neither/nor B.either /or C. neither/or D. either/ nor

42. Neither Tom nor his friends_________yet. A. has come B. have come C. hasn’t come D. haven’t come

43. Neither Jane nor her parents_________this film before. A. see B. sees C. has seen D. have seen

31 tháng 10 2017

chóng mặt quá!oho

17 tháng 8 2019

bn ra nhìu vậy ,ai trả lời cho

Section I: choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the other 1. A. School B. Chair C. Chemistry D. Character 2. A. Serious B. Symptom C. Sugar D. Sauce 3. A. Order B. Novel C. Portable D. Score 4. A.coop B. Cartoon C. Stool D. Indoors Section II choose the word that has different stress from others 1. A. Complete B. Detective C. Gather C. Event 2. A. Mixture B. Allow C. Affect D. Disease 3. A. Exit B. Cushion C. Turtle D. Improve 4. A. Museum B. Useful C....
Đọc tiếp

Section I: choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the other 1. A. School B. Chair C. Chemistry D. Character 2. A. Serious B. Symptom C. Sugar D. Sauce 3. A. Order B. Novel C. Portable D. Score 4. A.coop B. Cartoon C. Stool D. Indoors Section II choose the word that has different stress from others 1. A. Complete B. Detective C. Gather C. Event 2. A. Mixture B. Allow C. Affect D. Disease 3. A. Exit B. Cushion C. Turtle D. Improve 4. A. Museum B. Useful C. Cavity D. Wedding Section I: choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps 1. She is staying....... her uncle and aunt's house A. At B. In C. With D. On 2. Their trip to da lat...... wonderful A. Was B. Were C. Are D. Is 3. There is...... meat in the box A. Any B. A few C. A little D. Many 4. A. Don't forget.... your teeth before going to bed A. Brush B. To brush C. Brushing D. Not to brush 5. You.... stay at home when you are sick A. Had better B. Should C. Mustn't D. A and B 6. He doesn't like candy. I..., A. Don't too B. Don't, either C. Don't neither D. Do so 7. I divided the sweets.... several boys A. During B. Between C. Into D. Among 8. He was only ten, but he ate.... his father did A. As much as B. More that C. Much than D. As much than

7 tháng 9 2017

Section I: choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the other

1. A. School B. Chair C. Chemistry D. Character

2. A. Serious B. Symptom C. Sugar D. Sauce

3. A. Order B.Novel C. Portable D. Score

4. A.coop B. Cartoon C. Stool D. Indoors

Section II choose the word that has different stress from others 1. A. Complete B. Detective C. Gather C. Event

2. A. Mixture B. Allow C. Affect D. Disease

3. A. Exit B. Cushion C. Turtle D. Improve

4. A. Museum B. Useful C. Cavity D. Wedding

Section I: choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps

1. She is staying....... her uncle and aunt's house A. At B. In C. With D. On

2. Their trip to da lat...... wonderful A. Was B. Were C. Are D. Is 3. There is...... meat in the box A. Any B. A few C. A little D. Many

4. A. Don't forget.... your teeth before going to bed A. Brush B. To brush C. Brushing D. Not to brush

5. You.... stay at home when you are sick A. Had better B. Should C. Mustn't D. A and B

6. He doesn't like candy. I..., A. Don't too B. Don't, either C. Don't neither D. Do so

7. I divided the sweets.... several boys A. During B. Between C. Into D. Among

8. He was only ten, but he ate.... his father did A. As much as B. More that C. Much than D. As much than

Section I: choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the other

1. A. School B. Chair C. Chemistry D. Character

2. A. Serious B. Symptom C. Sugar D. Sauce

3. A. Order B. Novel C. Portable D. Score

4. A.coop B. Cartoon C. Stool D. Indoors

Section II choose the word that has different stress from others

1. A. Complete B. Detective C. Gather C. Event

2. A. Mixture B. Allow C. Affect D. Disease

3. A. Exit B. Cushion C. Turtle D. Improve

4. A. Museum B. Useful C. Cavity D. Wedding

Section I: choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps

1. She is staying....... her uncle and aunt's house

A. At B. In C. With D. On

2. Their trip to da lat...... wonderful

A. Was B. Were C. Are D. Is

3. There is...... meat in the box

A. Any B. A few C. A little D. Many

4. A. Don't forget.... your teeth before going to bed

A. Brush B. To brush C. Brushing D. Not to brush

5. You.... stay at home when you are sick

A. Had better B. Should C. Mustn't D. A and B

6. He doesn't like candy. I...,

A. Don't too B. Don't, either C. Don't neither D. Do so

7. I divided the sweets.... several boys

A. During B. Between C. Into D. Among

8. He was only ten, but he ate.... his father did

A. As much as B. More that C. Much than D. As much than

choose the best answer: 1. "when did you go to work?"-"As soon as they came in, we ... to work" A. went B. were going C. had gone D. go 2. Hardly... when the rain... A. we had started/came B. we started/came C. did we started/ came D. had we started/ came 3. He... you now, but he won't believe you tomorrow. A. believes B. is believing C. has believed D. believe 4. It... every day so far this week. A. has rained B. rains C. has been raining D. rained 5. "Who's that man over there?" -...
Đọc tiếp

choose the best answer:

1. "when did you go to work?"-"As soon as they came in, we ... to work"

A. went B. were going C. had gone D. go

2. Hardly... when the rain...

A. we had started/came B. we started/came C. did we started/ came D. had we started/ came

3. He... you now, but he won't believe you tomorrow.

A. believes B. is believing C. has believed D. believe

4. It... every day so far this week.

A. has rained B. rains C. has been raining D. rained

5. "Who's that man over there?" - "I... recognize his face, but... remember his name."

A. can't/ didn't B. could/ didn't C. did/ can't D. can/ don't

6. So far they... many beautiful buildings in this area.

A. had built B. have been building C. have built D. will build

7. "You look very tired" - "I..."

A. am marking B. had marked C. had been marking D. have been marking

8. Every morning since last Christmas, I... my dog out for a walk in the park.

A. take B. took C. have taken D. have been taking

9. "Did he answer the letter?" - "As soon as he... it, he... down to answer it"

A. reads/ sits B. has read/ is sitting C. read/ sat D. had read/ sat

10. Sue... this trip the other day.

A. loves B. is loving C. loved D. was loving

11. The blind... unable to see anything.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

22 tháng 7 2017

choose the best answer:

1. "when did you go to work?"-"As soon as they came in, we ... to work"

A. went B. were going C. had gone D. go

2. Hardly... when the rain...

A. we had started/came B. we started/came C. did we started/ came D. had we started/ came

3. He... you now, but he won't believe you tomorrow.

A. believes B. is believing C. has believed D. believe

4. It... every day so far this week.

A. has rained B. rains C. has been raining D. rained

5. "Who's that man over there?" - "I... recognize his face, but... remember his name."

A. can't/ didn't B. could/ didn't C. did/ can't D. can/ don't

6. So far they... many beautiful buildings in this area.

A. had built B. have been building C. have built D. will build

7. "You look very tired" - "I..."

A. am marking B. had marked C. had been marking D. have been marking

8. Every morning since last Christmas, I... my dog out for a walk in the park.

A. take B. took C. have taken D. have been taking

9. "Did he answer the letter?" - "As soon as he... it, he... down to answer it"

A. reads/ sits B. has read/ is sitting C. read/ sat D. had read/ sat

10. Sue... this trip the other day.

A. loves B. is loving C. loved D. was loving

11. The blind... unable to see anything.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

chọn câu trả lời đúng 1. they used ......................in the countryside a. to living b. living c. to live d. live 2. what should we do to reduce the level of environmental........................ a. pollution b. pollute c. polluted d. polluting 3. i...............john since he moved to our neighborhood a. knew b. has know c. have know d. know 4. they haven't finished the project, ...............? a. haven't they b. have they c. do they d. don't they 5. we listened...
Đọc tiếp

chọn câu trả lời đúng

1. they used ......................in the countryside

a. to living b. living c. to live d. live

2. what should we do to reduce the level of environmental........................

a. pollution b. pollute c. polluted d. polluting

3. i...............john since he moved to our neighborhood

a. knew b. has know c. have know d. know

4. they haven't finished the project, ...............?

a. haven't they b. have they c. do they d. don't they

5. we listened .................. while the examiner gave us the directions

a. attention b. attentively c. attentive d. attentiveness

6. he asked me...................?

a. where did i live b. where i lived c. where do i live d. where i live

7. the police told him................his car at the entrance to the hospital

a. not park b. don't park c. not to park d. don't to park

8. i've looked................my book everywhere but i can;t find it

a. for b. aften c. at d. in

9. this department store...................three years ago

a. built b. was built c. builds d. is built

10. joe has three sisters. He wished he...............a brother

a. have b. will have c. has d. had

31 tháng 8 2018

chọn câu trả lời đúng

1. they used ......................in the countryside

a. to living b. living c. to live d. live

2. what should we do to reduce the level of environmental........................

a. pollution b. pollute c. polluted d. polluting

3. i...............john since he moved to our neighborhood

a. knew b. has know c. have known d. know

4. they haven't finished the project, ...............?

a. haven't they b. have they c. do they d. don't they

5. we listened .................. while the examiner gave us the directions

a. attention b. attentively c. attentive d. attentiveness

6. he asked me...................?

a. where did i live b. where i lived c. where do i live d. where i live

7. the police told him................his car at the entrance to the hospital

a. not park b. don't park c. not to park d. don't to park

8. i've looked................my book everywhere but i can;t find it

a. for b. aften c. at d. in

9. this department store...................three years ago

a. built b. was built c. builds d. is built

10. joe has three sisters. He wished he...............a brother

a. have b. will have c. has d. had

1. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means exactly the same as the sentence before it. One example has been done for you. a. I like table tennis and that's why i spend a lot of time on that game. b. Because the weather was cold, we had to cancel our picnic c. I won't forget to phone her. You know, I like her so much. d. They tried their best to complete the course and that was why they passed it. e. I love my city so much, so i think i will stay and work here in...
Đọc tiếp

1. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means exactly the same as the sentence before it. One example has been done for you.

a. I like table tennis and that's why i spend a lot of time on that game.

b. Because the weather was cold, we had to cancel our picnic

c. I won't forget to phone her. You know, I like her so much.

d. They tried their best to complete the course and that was why they passed it.

e. I love my city so much, so i think i will stay and work here in my city.

f. He doesn't see any reasons for a holiday, therefore he will continue to work.

h. Please don't forget me beacause i will miss you so much.

i. The children like cartoons so much, so they will ask their grandpa to by cartoons for them.

2. Change the following indirect statements into direct statements. One example has been done for you.

a. The teacher told his students that he would be busy the following month.

b. Mum told me that she was sad then.

c. One of my friends said that he liked learning English with his teacher

d. The doctor told me that i could leave the hospital that day.

e. The landady told me that i could use those bed covers.

f. The gardener said that those flowers were not very fresh in that garden.

g. The stamp collector said that he was collecting stamps because he would attend a stamp contest the following year.

h. The film director said that she was wiling to work then.

3. Make sentences based on the given cues. One example has been done for you.

a. Students/said/they/not/happy/hear/news.

b. The teacher said/students/had follow/school plan.

c. They /had/work/hard/during/Christmas.

d. She/said/she/not/ready/examination.

e. Other students/said/they/happier/if/teacher/delay/exam.

f. The teacher said/time/not/changed.

g. All students/made/sad/news.

h. One of/students/told/teacher/it/Christmas/following week.

4. Tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau nếu câu đó đúng đánh tích vào phần cuối câu ( Viết tiếng anh hơi dài neeh mk vt tiếng việt)

a. They are so naughty children that their mother can't stand them.

b. He eats so many food that he gains weight quickly.

c. I don't like meat but i don't eat it.

d. What are you going to do in Christmas.

e.She has helped so many people that she can't remember how many people she has helped.

f. I wish you could helping me with my homework.

g. There are so little sugar that i can't make coffee.

h. She had a walk with her dog on a beautiful afternoon.

i. The bicycle is such old that i don't want to use it.

k. The film is so interesting that the children insist on buying it.

20 tháng 7 2017

1. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means exactly the same as the sentence before it. One example has been done for you.

a. I like table tennis and that's why i spend a lot of time on that game.

=>Because I like table tennis , i spend a lot of time on that game.

b. Because the weather was cold, we had to cancel our picnic

=> Because of the cold weather , we had to cancel our picnic

c. I won't forget to phone her. You know, I like her so much.

=>I like her so much so I won't forget to phone her

d. They tried their best to complete the course and that was why they passed it.

=>Because They tried their best to complete the course , they passed it.

e. I love my city so much, so i think i will stay and work here in my city.

=> I love my city so much that i will stay and work here in my city.

f. He doesn't see any reasons for a holiday, therefore he will continue to work.

=>Because He doesn't see any reasons for a holiday, he will continue to work.

h. Please don't forget me beacause i will miss you so much.

=>i will miss you so much so Please don't forget me

i. The children like cartoons so much, so they will ask their grandpa to by cartoons for them.

=>Because The children like cartoons so much, they will ask their grandpa to by cartoons for them.

2. Change the following indirect statements into direct statements. One example has been done for you.

a. The teacher told his students that he would be busy the following month.

=>The teacher told his students : " I 'll be busy next month"

b. Mum told me that she was sad then.

=>Mum told me:'' I am sad now"

c. One of my friends said that he liked learning English with his teacher

=>One of my friends said:"I like learning English with my teacher

d. The doctor told me that i could leave the hospital that day.

=>The doctor told me:" You can leave the hospital today"

e. The landady told me that i could use those bed covers.

=>The landady told me: You could use these bed covers"

f. The gardener said that those flowers were not very fresh in that garden.

=>The gardener said:"These flowers aren't very fresh in this garden.

g. The stamp collector said that he was collecting stamps because he would attend a stamp contest the following year.

=>The stamp collector said :" I am collecting stamps because he will attend a stamp contest next year."

h. The film director said that she was wiling to work then.

=>The film director said:" I am willing to work now"

3. Make sentences based on the given cues. One example has been done for you.

a. Students/said/they/not/happy/hear/news.

=>Students said that they weren't happy to hear the news

b. The teacher said/students/had follow/school plan.

=>The teacher said that students had followed the school plan

c. They /had/work/hard/during/Christmas.

=>They had to work hard during the chrismas.

d. She/said/she/not/ready/examination.

=>She said that she was ready for examination

e. Other students/said/they/happier/if/teacher/delay/exam.

=>Other students said that they were happier if the teacher delayed the exam

f. The teacher said/time/not/changed.

=>The teacher said that time was not changed

g. All students/made/sad/news.

=>All students was made sad by the news

h. One of/students/told/teacher/it/Christmas/following week.

=>One of the students told to the teacher it would be christmas the following week

4. Tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau nếu câu đó đúng đánh tích vào phần cuối câu ( Viết tiếng anh hơi dài neeh mk vt tiếng việt)

a. They are so naughty children that their mother can't stand them.=>such

b. He eats so many food that he gains weight quickly.


c. I don't like meat but i don't eat it.


d. What are you going to do in Christmas.


e.She has helped so many people that she can't remember how many people she has helped.

=>had helped

f. I wish you could helping me with my homework.


g. There are so little sugar that i can't make coffee.


h. She had a walk with her dog on a beautiful afternoon.


i. The bicycle is such old that i don't want to use it.


k. The film is so interesting that the children insist on buying it.


23. She asked me_____. A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her . A. will B. can C. should D. would 25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher. A. The teacher said us put our book away. B. The teacher told us to put our books away. C. The teacher said to us put our books away.D. The teacher told to us to put our books away. 26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said. A. He told his...
Đọc tiếp

23. She asked me_____. A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her . A. will B. can C. should D. would 25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher. A. The teacher said us put our book away. B. The teacher told us to put our books away. C. The teacher said to us put our books away.D. The teacher told to us to put our books away. 26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said. A. He told his son not to stay up too late.B. He said to his son not stay up to late. C. He told to his son not to stay up too late. D. He said his son not to stay up too late. 27. He wants to know ________ . A. whether I would come back from school the next day. B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow. C. whether I will come back from school the next day. D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow. 28. The journey to the village is very __________ . A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest 29. It is an ________day to me at the seaside with my friends. A. enjoyable B. enjoyment C. enjoyably D. enjoy 30. After a long walking, they feel tired and _________. A. hunger B. hungryly C. hungrily D. hungry 31. He is too busy _________ care of her. A. taking B. to take C. took D. taken 32. She ________ a famous singer some years ago. A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being 10 11. 33. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ . A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes C. information / purposes D. information / purpose 34. The interviewer asked her __________ her name ________ . A. what / was B. if / was C. what / is D. if / is 35. The excited children were looking forward ___________ with the foreign teacher. A. to speak B. spoken C. to speaking D. for speaking 36. He can't earn money_________he has no job. A. unless B. until C. without D. if 37. Let's play video games, _________ ? A. shan't we B. do we C. shall we D. don't we 38. Mr. Pike sold his house, _________he? A. didn't B. could C. did D. couldn't 39. I haven't seen him for 3 years. I_________him 3 years ago. A. saw B. see C. will see D. have seen 40. I ask him_________ A. what name is he B. what his name is C. what is he name D. what is his name 41. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____ A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages 42. The ______tell us what is happening in our city, in our country and in the world A. communicationB. advertisements C. media D. forecasts 43. You should watch the news every day. It’s very _____ A. informative B. time-consuming C. costly D. boring 44. No one can ____the advantages of using the computers. They help us do our work quickly and efficiently A. refuse B. deny C. agree D. accept 45. Email can be sent and received at any hour of the day,_____? A. can they B. can’t it C. can it D. can’t they 46. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is _____ read by both teenagers and adults A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widing 47. T.V viewer are able _____ questions about the show A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked 48. Lan watched T.V lastnight , _____? A. doesn’t she B. did she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she 49. Nobody does this , ________? A. do they B. does it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they 50. The Internet has _____developed and become a part of our life. A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased

22 tháng 8 2017

23. She asked me_____. A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her . A. will B. can C. should D. would 25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher. A. The teacher said us put our book away. B. The teacher told us to put our books away. C. The teacher said to us put our books away.D. The teacher told to us to put our books away.

26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said. A. He told his son not to stay up too late.B. He said to his son not stay up to late. C. He told to his son not to stay up too late. D. He said his son not to stay up too late.

27. He wants to know ________ . A. whether I would come back from school the next day. B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow. C. whether I will come back from school the next day. D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow.

28. The journey to the village is very __________ . A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest

29. It is an ________day to me at the seaside with my friends. A. enjoyable B. enjoyment C. enjoyably D. enjoy

30. After a long walking, they feel tired and _________. A. hunger B. hungryly C. hungrily D. hungry

31. He is too busy _________ care of her. A. taking B. to take C. took D. taken 32. She ________ a famous singer some years ago. A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being

10 11. 33. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ . A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes C. information / purposes D. information / purpose

34. The interviewer asked her __________ her name ________ . A. what / was B. if / was C. what / is D. if / is

35. The excited children were looking forward ___________ with the foreign teacher. A. to speak B. spoken C. to speaking D. for speaking

36. He can't earn money_________he has no job. A. unless B. until C. without D. if 37. Let's play video games, _________ ? A. shan't we B. do we C. shall we D. don't we

38. Mr. Pike sold his house, _________he? A. didn't B. could C. did D. couldn't 39. I haven't seen him for 3 years. I_________him 3 years ago. A. saw B. see C. will see D. have seen

40. I ask him_________ A. what name is he B. what his name is C. what is he name D. what is his name

41. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____ A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages

42. The ______tell us what is happening in our city, in our country and in the world A. communicationB. advertisements C. media D. forecasts 43. You should watch the news every day. It’s very _____ A. informative B. time-consuming C. costly D. boring

44. No one can ____the advantages of using the computers. They help us do our work quickly and efficiently A. refuse B. deny C. agree D. accept

45. Email can be sent and received at any hour of the day,_____? A. can they B. can’t it C. can it D. can’t they 46. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is _____ read by both teenagers and adults A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widing 47. T.V viewer are able _____ questions about the show A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked

. Lan watched T.V lastnight , _____? A. doesn’t she B. did she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she 49. Nobody does this , ________? A. do they B. does it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they 50. The Internet has _____developed and become a part of our life. A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased

22 tháng 8 2017

23. She asked me_____.

A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her .

A. will B. can C. should D. would

25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher.

A. The teacher said us put our book away.

B. The teacher told us to put our books away.

C. The teacher said to us put our books away.

D. The teacher told to us to put our books away.

26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said.

A. He told his son not to stay up too late.

B. He said to his son not stay up to late.

C. He told to his son not to stay up too late.

D. He said his son not to stay up too late.

27. He wants to know ________ .

A. whether I would come back from school the next day.

B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow.

C. whether I will come back from school the next day.

D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow.

28. The journey to the village is very __________ .

A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest

29. It is an ________day to me at the seaside with my friends.

A. enjoyable B. enjoyment C. enjoyably D. enjoy

30. After a long walking, they feel tired and _________.

A. hunger B. hungryly C. hungrily D. hungry

31. He is too busy _________ care of her.

A. taking B. to take C. took D. taken

32. She ________ a famous singer some years ago.

A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being

33. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ .

A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes

C. information / purposes D. information / purpose

34. The interviewer asked her __________ her name ________ .

A. what / was B. if / was C. what / is D. if / is

35. The excited children were looking forward ___________ with the foreign teacher.

A. to speak B. spoken C. to speaking D. for speaking

36. He can't earn money_________he has no job.

A. unless B. until C. without D. if

37. Let's play video games, _________ ?

A. shan't we B. do we C. shall we D. don't we

38. Mr. Pike sold his house, _________he?

A. didn't B. could C. did D. couldn't

39. I haven't seen him for 3 years. I_________him 3 years ago.

A. saw B. see C. will see D. have seen

40. I ask him_________

A. what name is he B. what his name is

C. what is he name D. what is his name

41. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____

A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages

42. The ______tell us what is happening in our city, in our country and in the world

A. communicationB. advertisements C. media D. forecasts

43. You should watch the news every day. It’s very _____

A. informative B. time-consuming C. costly D. boring

44. No one can ____the advantages of using the computers. They help us do our work quickly and efficiently

A. refuse B. deny C. agree D. accept

45. Email can be sent and received at any hour of the day,_____?

A. can they B. can’t it C. can it D. can’t they

46. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is _____ read by both teenagers and adults

A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widing

47. T.V viewer are able _____ questions about the show

A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked

48. Lan watched T.V lastnight , _____?

A. doesn’t she B. did she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she

49. Nobody does this , ________?

A. do they B. does it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they

50. The Internet has _____developed and become a part of our life.

A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased

Viết lại câu 1,''Don't swim out too far,boy'' I said I warned 2,She hasn't been to Hue for 3 years The last 3,That car is so expensive I don't think I can by it It's such 4,people think that the owner of that house is abroad The owner 5,''Do you think like having holiday abroad'' He said me He asks 6,The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow I 7,The room is too small for all of us to stay hông có từ gợi ý 8,I have never met a more intelligent man than him cái này...
Đọc tiếp

Viết lại câu

1,''Don't swim out too far,boy'' I said

I warned

2,She hasn't been to Hue for 3 years

The last

3,That car is so expensive I don't think I can by it

It's such

4,people think that the owner of that house is abroad

The owner

5,''Do you think like having holiday abroad'' He said me

He asks

6,The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow


7,The room is too small for all of us to stay

hông có từ gợi ý

8,I have never met a more intelligent man than him

cái này cũng ko có từ gợi ý

9,you will catch a cold If you don't keep your feet dry


10,The last time it snowed here was 6 years ago


11,I haven't eaten a pizza for a year

The last time

12,I don't like you come to class late

I'd rather

13,I do physical training because I want to keep fit

I do physical training in

14,Someone repained her car yesterday


15,we couldn't drive because of the fog

The fog prevented

16,If he doesn't have the key, he can't get into his room


17,people should use bicycled for short jonrneys


18,I haven't been to a critket match for years


19,Their teacher is making them study hart

They are

20,''please sing us another song,Marry''

They tried to persnade

Mong các thần linh hiện ra giúp con, sắp phải nộp rồi ạ

10 tháng 1 2019

Viết lại câu

1,''Don't swim out too far,boy'' I said

I warned boy not to swim out too far

2,She hasn't been to Hue for 3 years

The last time she went to hue was 3 years

3,That car is so expensive I don't think I can by it

It's such an expensive car that I don't think I can by it

4,people think that the owner of that house is abroad

The owner of that house is thought to be abroad

5,''Do you think like having holiday abroad'' He said me

He asks me if i thought like having holiday abroad

6,The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow

I am going to have the builder mend my roof tomorrow

7,The room is too small for all of us to stay

the room is not big enough for us to stay

8,I have never met a more intelligent man than him

he is the most intelligent man i have ever met

9,you will catch a cold If you don't keep your feet dry

Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold

10,The last time it snowed here was 6 years ago

It is 6 years since it snowed here

11,I haven't eaten a pizza for a year

The last time i ate a pizza was a year

12,I don't like you come to class late

I'd rather you didn't come to class late

13,I do physical training because I want to keep fit

I do physical training in order to keep fit

14,Someone repained her car yesterday

She had her car repaired yesterday

15,we couldn't drive because of the fog

The fog prevented us from driving

16,If he doesn't have the key, he can't get into his room

Unless he has the key, he can't get into his room

17,people should use bicycled for short jonrneys

Bicycler should be used for short jonrneys

18,I haven't been to a critket match for years

It's years since i went to a critket match

19,Their teacher is making them study hart

They are made to study hard by their teacher

20,''please sing us another song,Marry''

They tried to persnade mary to sing them another song

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. about B. Sound C. young D. account 2. A. invited B. tiket C. pick D. Circus 3. A. place B. jan C. face D. take 4. A. proud B. pound C. double D. house 5. A, roofs B. tickets C. tops D. Waves II. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence. 1. I've played the piano ________________ . A. two years ago B. since 1995 C. before1995 D. tomorrow 2. He ____________ me about it last...
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. about B. Sound C. young D. account

2. A. invited B. tiket C. pick D. Circus

3. A. place B. jan C. face D. take

4. A. proud B. pound C. double D. house

5. A, roofs B. tickets C. tops D. Waves

II. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence.

1. I've played the piano ________________ .

A. two years ago B. since 1995 C. before1995 D. tomorrow

2. He ____________ me about it last night.

A. tells B. have told C. has told D, told

3. ____________ you _______________ from George recently?

A. Has/ heard B. Did/ heard C. Have/ heard D. Have/ hear

4. Everything is going well. We __________ any problems so far.

A. haven't had B. hasn't had C. haven't D. hasn't

5. I am tired. I _____________ since breakfast.

A. am working B. work C. will work D have been working

6. It hasn't rained ________________ .

A. last night B. today C. a month ago D. yesterday

7. Have you hear from John ___________?

A. recently B. for two days C. two days ago D. since two days

8. He hasn't driven a car ___________ .

A. since June B. ready C. two years ago D. yesterday morning

9. That is the third time he has phoned her ____________ .

A. last night B. for two hours C. yesterday D. this evening

10. The meeting will _____________ in London next week.

A. be held B. is held C. be hold D are hold

III. Rewrite as one sentence using the conjunction given.

1. I don't eat cheese. I don't eat butter. (or)


2. I ke him. He's annoying. (but)


3. We're having salad for lunch. We're not very hungry. (so)


4. She doesn't use much suncream. She has very pale skin. (although)


5. This year, he's been to China. He has also been to Brazil. (and)


6. Would you like to go to Paris? Would you rather go to Budapest? (or)


7. He's very tired today. He went to bed very late last night. (because)


8. It looks very near. It's quite a long way away. (although)

.................................................................................................................... IV. Complete the passage. sun, however, lasts, for, cause, used, in, of, being, but Are you looking (1) ......................... a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn't (2) ......................... pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy. ile most fuels now iin use are (3)........................ burned at an astonishing rate, solar energy, or power from the (4) ....................... will last as long as the world (5)..................... This energy has already been (6)......................... to heat and cool homes and to cook food. It has been used experimentally (7) ...................... radio batteries and in furnishing power for telephone lines. The devices, (8) ............................. are cheap to operate but very expensive to produce.
8 tháng 8 2017

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. about B. Sound C. young D. account

2. A. invited B. tiket C. pick D. Circus

3. A. place B. jan C. face D. take

4. A. proud B. pound C. double D. house

5. A, roofs B. tickets C. tops D. Waves

II. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence.

1. I've played the piano ________________ .

A. two years ago B. since 1995 C. before1995 D. tomorrow

2. He ____________ me about it last night.

A. tells B. have told C. has told D, told

3. ____________ you _______________ from George recently?

A. Has/ heard B. Did/ heard C. Have/ heard D. Have/ hear

4. Everything is going well. We __________ any problems so far.

A. haven't had B. hasn't had C. haven't D. hasn't

5. I am tired. I _____________ since breakfast.

A. am working B. work C. will work D have been working

6. It hasn't rained ________________ .

A. last night B. today C. a month ago D. yesterday

7. Have you hear from John ___________?

A. recently B. for two days C. two days ago D. since two days

8. He hasn't driven a car ___________ .

A. since June B. ready C. two years ago D. yesterday morning

9. That is the third time he has phoned her ____________ .

A. last night B. for two hours C. yesterday D. this evening

10. The meeting will _____________ in London next week.

A. be held B. is held C. be hold D are hold

III. Rewrite as one sentence using the conjunction given.

1. I don't eat cheese. I don't eat butter. (or)

I don't eat cheese or butter

2. I ke him. He's annoying. (but)

I like him but He's annoying.

3. We're having salad for lunch. We're not very hungry. (so)

We're not very hungry so We're having salad for lunch.

4. She doesn't use much suncream. She has very pale skin. (although)

although She doesn't use much suncream,She has very pale skin.

5. This year, he's been to China. He has also been to Brazil. (and)

This year, he's been to China and Brazil

6. Would you like to go to Paris? Would you rather go to Budapest? (or)

Would you like to go to Paris or Budapest ?

7. He's very tired today. He went to bed very late last night. (because)

He's very tired today because He went to bed very late last night

8. It looks very near. It's quite a long way away. (although)

although It looks very near, It's quite a long way away

IV. Complete the passage.sun, however, lasts, for, cause, used, in, of, being, but

Are you looking (1) .............for............ a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn't (2) .........cause................ pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy. ile most fuels now iin use are (3)..............being.......... burned at an astonishing rate, solar energy, or power from the (4) .........sun.............. will last as long as the world (5)......lasts............... This energy has already been (6).........used................ to heat and cool homes and to cook food. It has been used experimentally (7) ..........in............ radio batteries and in furnishing power for telephone lines. The devices, (8) ..however, ........................... are cheap to operate but very expensive to produce.

chọn đáp án đúng nhất 1. He often takes part in social activities..................he is very busy a. so b. as c. if d. though 2. i would like to know the reason..................you did not come to my party yesterday a. who b. whose c. which d. why 3. some drivers drive too fast. I wish they................more carefully a. drive b. drove c. are driving d. have driven 4. "Do you have a camera?" She asked a. she wanted to know if i have a camera b. she wanted to know if i had a...
Đọc tiếp

chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. He often takes part in social activities..................he is very busy

a. so b. as c. if d. though

2. i would like to know the reason..................you did not come to my party yesterday

a. who b. whose c. which d. why

3. some drivers drive too fast. I wish they................more carefully

a. drive b. drove c. are driving d. have driven

4. "Do you have a camera?" She asked

a. she wanted to know if i have a camera b. she wanted to know if i had a camera

c. she asked me if i have a camera b. she asked me whether have i a camera

5. that's....................! I'm so unhappy that you have failed the exam again

a. good b. disappointed c. nice d. wonderful

6. they have lived here ..................a few years

a. from b. in c. for d. since

7. the teacher......................that he practice speaking english more

a. advised b. let c. suggested d. made

8. it is important to ......................the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes

a. destroy b. ignore c. remain d. preserve

9. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. wanted b. laughed c. rested d. needed

10. she's finished writing her essay,..................?

a. didn't she b. is she c. isn't d. hasn't

11. we can't go along here because the road.................

a. been repaired b. repair c. is being repaired d. repaired

12. choose the word which has a diffirent stress pattern

a. letter b. happy c. today d. lovely

13................... do you go to the library?- twice a week

a. how far b. how many c. how often d. how much

14. after having a rest, they..................working

a. got out b. went on c. turned off d. looked after

15. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. school b. afternoon c. typhoon d. blood

16. A:........................................

B: oh, my weekend was terrific. Thanks

a. what did you do on weekend? b. how was your weekend?

c. did you have a good weekend? d. how did you spend your weekend?

25 tháng 10 2018

chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. He often takes part in social activities..................he is very busy

a. so b. as c. if d. though

2. i would like to know the reason..................you did not come to my party yesterday

a. who b. whose c. which d. why

3. some drivers drive too fast. I wish they................more carefully

a. drive b. drove c. are driving d. have driven

4. "Do you have a camera?" She asked

a. she wanted to know if i have a camera b. she wanted to know if i had a camera

c. she asked me if i have a camera b. she asked me whether have i a camera

5. that's....................! I'm so unhappy that you have failed the exam again

a. good b. disappointed c. nice d. wonderful

6. they have lived here ..................a few years

a. from b. in c. for d. since

7. the teacher......................that he practice speaking english more

a. advised b. let c. suggested d. made

8. it is important to ......................the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes

a. destroy b. ignore c. remain d. preserve

9. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. wanted b. laughed c. rested d. needed

10. she's finished writing her essay,..................?

a. didn't she b. is she c. isn't d. hasn't

11. we can't go along here because the road.................

a. been repaired b. repair c. is being repaired d. repaired

12. choose the word which has a diffirent stress pattern

a. letter b. happy c. today d. lovely

13................... do you go to the library?- twice a week

a. how far b. how many c. how often d. how much

14. after having a rest, they..................working

a. got out b. went on c. turned off d. looked after

15. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a. school b. afternoon c. typhoon d. blood

16. A:........................................

B: oh, my weekend was terrific. Thanks

a. what did you do on weekend? b. how was your weekend?

c. did you have a good weekend? d. how did you spend your weekend?