Các bẹn iu quý ưi giúp mk tóm tắt vài chữ đc hông ạ
Step 4: Cut the pork into squares and season them with salt, pepper, and minced onion
Step 5: Place dong leaves on a flat surface; put a small bowl portion of rice on it, sprinkle on half of a mong bean ball, place 2 pork squares in the middle, sprinkle on the other half of the mung bean ball, and cover with another small bowl portion of rice. Fold the leaves
over, wrap the cake into a square shape, and tie it with bamboo strings.
- Step 6: Place cakes in a pot padded with dong leaf stalks, pour in enough water to submerge the cakes, and boil on high heat. As the water boils off, add enough to keep the cakes submerged. Boil continuously for 12 hours. After the cakes are taken from the pot, press them to remove excess water.