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17 tháng 8 2017
It is likely today that school children will take fewer exams than before, which are thought of as traditional method to judge a student’s academic proficiency. Instead, a student’s ability will be assessed constantly throughout the school year. Personally, I believe that this trend has its benefits and drawbacks. The reason for this trend may involve in the recognition that a student who takes too many exams is liable to suffer from pressure from their parents and peers when he or she gets bad results at school. Therefore, the option of creating fewer exams may reduce the burdens of studying on students themselves. In addition, students will have more time to improve other skills rather than concentrating on solely their studies. Consequently, they can develop better and more comprehensively. However, this is far from enough to do away with traditional exams. There should be some primary exams such as middle-term and final exams in order for students to study and accumulate knowledge. Imagine if there were not any exams, many students would probably waste their time doing such worthless things as playing violent games and even committing crime. Providing them with exams may keep them busy with their studies and curb unwanted problems arising. Besides, scores based on students’ exam results can evaluate their learning capacity more accurately and efficiently. That’s why we should not take traditional exams for granted and ignore them at any cost.
To sum up, moving away with traditional exams might not be an optimal method, which could be rejected if there were more relevant solutions to this issue.

Nhận xét của giáo viên :

It is likely today that school children will take fewer exams than before, which are thought of as a traditional method to judge a student’s academic proficiency. Instead, a student’s ability will be assessed constantly throughout the school year. Personally, I believe that this trend has its benefits and drawbacks. The reason for this trend may involve in the recognition that a student who takes too many exams is liable to suffer from pressure from their parents and peers when he or she gets bad results at school. Therefore, the option of creating fewer exams may reduce the burdens of studying on students themselves. In addition, students will have more time to improve other skills rather than concentrating on solely their studies.bạn có thể lấy thêm ví dụ cụ thể hơn nhé. Consequently, they can develop better and more comprehensively. However, this is far from enough to do away with traditional exams. There should be some primary exams such as middle-term and final exams in order for students to study and accumulate knowledge. Imagine if there were not any exams, many students would probably waste their time doing such worthless things as playing violent games and even committing crimes. Providing them with exams may keep them busy with their studies and curb unwanted problems arising. Besides, scores based on students’ exam results can evaluate their learning capacity more accurately and efficiently. That’s why we should not take traditional exams for granted and ignore them at any cost.
To sum up, moving away with traditional exams might not be an optimal method, which could be rejected if there were more relevant solutions to this issue.

17 tháng 8 2017

Cảm ơn bạn!haha

10 tháng 3 2017

In this modern world, the rapid increase in the number of population and vehicles is a serious challenge for the governments across the world. To accommodate the maximum number of people and vehicles in a city they have to enhance the size of it. In this essay writer would like to discuss why careful planning is crucial when building a city.

To embark upon, first and foremost problem behind a broader city is that it causes deforestation. To make it clear, as they need more timber to build beautiful buildings and to make bigger cities they need more space so they grab the space of wild animals, so scientific planning is necessary. More importantly, this devastation of trees can cause air pollution so they should not imbalance natural habitat to build a huge city. Apart from this, they should have a proper waste management system most of the cities are facing this catastrophic problem such as recycling units and disposal units in the city.

Furthermore, the government needs to plan well when building a city. As we know there are many sophisticated cities that struggle with the inefficient drainage system, such as Bombay, Tokyo and the like. Moreover, narrow roads can cause traffic congestion and it is impossible for them to reconstruct a city after building it. In addition to this, modern cities should be well connected with other major cities through seaways as well as road and airways. The cities have many visitors not only as visitors but also for trading and for dwelling so modern cities should be big enough to accommodate more people. Moreover, these should have ultra modern facilities such as schools, colleges and hospitals.

To conclude, in this era most of the countries development are mainly concentrated in their cities so it is quite necessary to have a developed city but, these developments should be scientific.

1 tháng 9 2017

Over the last years, many cities have grown in an unsystematic way. As a result, infrastructure of these cities are facing some problems. The best way to tackle this issue is to make careful plans for developing of these cities. In this essay I will look at the reasons why careful planning is so important and how they can positively impact on life in cities.

Firstly, it is common to see in many countries, especially in developed countries, a row of vehicles on the road that get stuck in traffic jam. The main reason for this is that infrastructure of roads in these countries are very dated and are not able to afford so much cars or other means of transport. If government improve the infrastructure of transport systems with a careful plan, there is no doubt that most of traffic problems will be reduced.

Secondly, we can observe a dramatic increase in the number of factories in many big cities which negatively affect to many aspects of the life there. What I meant by this is that factories in many cities were built in separate places and as a result factory pollution is spread all over the city. Although factories built in different places of the city can allow people to commute to work that are in short distance to their home, I think it is more advisable to relocate them to one place so as to accumulate all pollution in this place. Of course, it does not mean that any measures must not be taken to completely reduce pollution in this place in order to provide safer work conditions for workers.

To sum up, careful planning plays an important role in the development of cities. While it can reduce significantly traffic congestion, it can also improve air quality there.

26 tháng 5 2017

https://www.tienganh123.com/viet-essay ??????

20 tháng 5 2021

Một số người tin rằng công nghệ ảnh hưởng xấu đến cuộc sống của chúng ta và các khía cạnh thao túng của nó sẽ kiểm soát lối sống của chúng ta. Tuy nhiên, những người khác lại cho rằng công nghệ mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho loài người. Bài luận này thảo luận về cả hai quan điểm. Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ rằng công nghệ sẽ có lợi miễn là chúng ta kiểm soát nó, và không để nó kiểm soát chúng ta.

Đầu tiên, công nghệ đã định hình đáng kể cách sống của con người và nó không ngừng làm cho cuộc sống của chúng ta trở nên dễ dàng hơn. Thông thường, các nhà phát triển công nghệ công bố các tiện ích công nghệ sáng tạo dễ sử dụng, tiện dụng, sáng tạo và tiết kiệm. Những thiết bị này cải thiện đáng kể cuộc sống của con người và chúng ta có một lối sống tốt hơn ngày nay so với quá khứ do những cải tiến và đổi mới trong công nghệ. Ví dụ, điện thoại di động đã được cải thiện đáng kể về hiệu suất và tính hữu dụng. Ngày nay, chúng đang được sử dụng trong mọi khía cạnh của cuộc sống bao gồm thanh toán hóa đơn, liên lạc, ghi chú, lướt mạng và cho nhiều mục đích thiết thực khác. Thế giới hiện đại thực sự được xác định bởi các công nghệ hiện đại.

Mặt khác, công nghệ không đến mà không có hậu quả tiêu cực. Nó đã bắt đầu kiểm soát nhiều khía cạnh cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta và có thể trở nên thảm khốc hơn bất kỳ ai có thể tưởng tượng nếu nó vượt ra khỏi tầm kiểm soát. Ví dụ: mọi người đang sử dụng thiết bị di động ngày nay, vì vậy họ lưu trữ ảnh cá nhân, chi tiết liên hệ và thậm chí cả tệp trên điện thoại của họ. Vì vậy, rất dễ dàng để tin tặc xâm nhập vào điện thoại của ai đó và sử dụng chúng một cách sai trái. Do đó, gian lận giao dịch trực tuyến, vi rút và trojan độc hại, nguy hiểm cho sức khỏe, thiếu liên kết cá nhân và xã hội là do chúng ta nghiêng về công nghệ. Chúng tôi có nghĩa là kiểm soát công nghệ, không bị kiểm soát bởi nó.

Tóm lại, dù công nghệ có những nhược điểm nhưng không thể phủ nhận rằng không phải mọi thứ mà con người tạo ra đều hoàn mỹ. Hơn nữa, công nghệ có thể rất hữu ích nếu nó được sử dụng đúng cách và đủ thận trọng. Vì vậy, chúng ta nên kiểm soát công nghệ, đừng để nó kiểm soát chúng ta...

18 tháng 9 2017

Nowadays, the growing development of means of transportation has made traveling between countries easier than ever, creating enormous conditions for people going abroad for holidays to enjoy themselves. However, travelling to foreign country sometimes brings about some disadvantages for the travelers who are not well-prepared.
In this essay, I will present the benefits and drawbacks of having a holidays in a foreign country.
On the one hand, travelling overseas can benefit you in some aspects as follows:
Firstly, being in a different country can give you an exciting moment when seeing many historical places and spectacular monuments. This memory will leave a good impression on your mind afterwards. For instance: the gorgeous scenery and old age temples in Thailand has made me excited and impressed when seeing these places of interest.
Secondly, living in a foreign country and having their local dishes can give you a completely new experience in having their traditional food, which you have never tasted i your own country. In fact, being on the tour of Beijing, I had a chance of enjoying the dish of Fried Duck which has been the tastiest and softest meat I have ever tried so far.
Thirdly, staying abroad can help you understand traditional values and characteristics through joining their festivals and other cultural activities. For instance, taking part in the Watering Festival in Laos and Thailand might be a great joy for travelers to understand their unique customs in welcoming New year.
On the other hand, while having holidays in an exotic country, people can cope with some drawbacks as follows.
Firstly, language barrier is the most difficult problem for you to overcome, especially in a country which English is not popular. In reality, it is very difficult for tourists to read traffic signs and public billboards in some Arabic countries with a strange type of letters which is totally different from our Latin alphabet.
Secondly, in some cases, you will be got in trouble just in case of being sick without lots of money in your pocket. The cost of treatment will be much higher in your country, especially in case you had no medical insurance.
Thirdly, travelling abroad can cost you a lot of money. You must have a good preparation for your trip including : airfares, travelling and hotel costs and other expenses during your journey. A well-prepared plan can bring you some comforts during the journey to an exotic country.
In conclusion, going abroad can give you unforgettable memories about gorgeous land, familiar people, unique customs and delicious foods which you have never experienced before. However, to be satisfied with these enjoyment, you should have a good preparation for the budget, knowledge about the foreign country that you will visit.

19 tháng 9 2017

Nowadays, more and more people around the world travel abroad to spend their holidays there. It is also easier and easier for people to go around the world thanks to globalization. Therefore, the number of foreign tourists is continuously increasing in every countries in the world, especially developed countries. Along with many benefits and joyfulness it brings when travelling abroad, there are also some disadvantages that people have to suffer from. So what are they? In this essay, I am going to show you the good and bad things about having a vacation in other countries. First, people desire to go abroad because they want to discover new lands, a place that they have never been to. Each country has different climate, scenery, people, culture, food and so on, so people want to see those differences, enjoy the new things in other countries. People around the world are attracted by the country's architecture. In particular, the architectural designs between the East and the West is different and each country has its own architecture, therefore, it brings people enthusiasm and satisfaction when they set foot in the strange nation. Tourists are not only attracted by man-made building but also by natural scenery. Beautiful beaches with turquoise water and white sand, marvelous mountain ranges with snow on top or forests with diverse plants and animals attract millions people from all over the world to explore. That must be great experiences! Other excellent factors that tourists want to discover when travelling overseas are food and culture. The food around the world is diverse and delicious, too. Even though the foreign food is tasty or not, the feelings when we eat are the exciting and unforgettable memories. Besides, different cultures also bring excitement for travellers during their journeys. Hence, travelling abroad brings us not only knowledge about different places in the world but also the great memories that we will never forget in the future. On the other hand, travellers also suffer from many troubles before and during their trip abroad. The tourists have to do many preparations which take lots of time to finish. Although a trip abroad nowadays is easier than it was a few years ago, people must make sure about the information in passports, visas, international driving permits and variety of documents they will need to bring along the trip. Furthermore, not getting knowledge about the destination such as the culture, the food, the language can also make tourists confused. For instance, one of my relatives travelled to the UK last year. Before the trip, he was very excited. But when he came back to Vietnam, he told me that he had to eat fast food all three days of the trip because he couldn't speak English. Therefore, the language barrier can make the trip abroad a bit less happy. Tourists should read the brochure that brings information about the place they will visit to get more knowledge in order not to be confused when they are in other countries. Besides, there are also other barriers that prevent travellers from their trip overseas such as money, time, ... It's hard for low-income people or people from developing countries to have a trip outside their countries. Moreover, the increase of working hours, the shorter summer vacation have cut the demand of travelling abroad. However, if travellers think positively about their trip, these barriers are not the problems. It all depends on your attitude. To sum up, travelling abroad can bring enthusiasm and excitement for tourists. They can know more about the world and get some unforgettable memories. Travelling abroad also benefits the tourism industry of the host country, promote the development of tourism, the prosperity of society and contribute to the diversity of human culture. However, people must prepare deeply for the trip to have a healthy and safe trip overseas.

10 tháng 8 2016

Nowadays, many companies encourage old employees to retire to make up room for the young ones. The above point is certainly true; this essay will contain some reasons that support my suggestion.

First of all, the new generation has multiple advantages that outweigh the old generation, because the world we live in currently is based on the fast, frequently-generated technology. The new generation is more adapted to become updated with the modern releases of it. They master advanced technology and have greater energy to exploit than senior employees due to many aspects including the physical strength of each party. Plus they are more capable of rejuvenating their concepts as they are gaining experience. Moreover, young employees would have the opportunity, just like the older ones had theirs once in the past, to show off their skills to their boss. Eventually, by allowing younger employee to become more involved in a beneficial way in their community, the spread of corruption would decrease gradually. As a result, the society will witness a great deal of sustainable economical production in the country.

Undeniably, old employees must have left an influential impact on today's trade. And their achievements that had been accomplished in the workforce force should be appreciated after they retire. Therefore, responsible organizations should work on arranging educational centres and beneficial events for the retired senior citizens. They would fulfill their free time usefully and efficiently, like pursuing in their personal hobbies.

At last, our community is based on a mixture of various age parties. For each period of time, each party obtains heir right to possess an effective role in the society. However, commercial and big companies prefer young employee because they infuse the work atmosphere with lots of young blood.

23 tháng 10 2021

The youth of today are more interested in international celebrities rather than historical figures of their country. I think the main reasons for this trend are the entertaining content and excessive coverage of entertainment-related news, but there are some possible solutions. One reason why young people are more fascinated by well-known pop and movie stars is simply that they are more interesting. In comparison to reading historical information in long narratives of past events and people, watching a hilarious comedy or listening to a beautiful tune is usually more relaxing and gives the youth a much-needed break after long hours at school and work. Furthermore, as a response to the rising demand for engaging content, the media flood their channels with entertainment news, resulting in an increased public awareness of both foreign and domestic celebrities. One way to encourage the young generation to pay more attention to history is that education authorities should improve the way history is taught. The history curriculum, for example, should largely consist of interactive activities such as visiting historic places and discussing historical events after watching related documentaries. In addition, governments could collaborate with the media to publish more engaging history-related content. For instance, the Japanese government has worked with a number of major publishers to produce gripping comics about historical dynasties. This innovative approach has been hugely successfully with these comics becoming very popular among the youth, thereby popularizing historically significant people and their contributions to Japan’s establishment and development. In conclusion, the young generation is more familiar with foreign entertainment stars than important people in the history of their nations mainly because the former are a better source of fun and appear more frequently in the news. However, this situation would improve if schools make history lessons more lively, and governments cooperate with the media in educating the public

24 tháng 10 2021

thank you so much

cảm ơn bn nhìu nhoa  vui 

23 tháng 10 2018

mình định đánh thêm phần dịch nhưng đánh đc 1 nửa lười quá nên cap cho bạn chừng đó