
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.

People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take a toll. Second came Italy, with 70.2 years and third was Australia, on 70.1 years. In the UK, we can expect 68.6 healthy years of life.

Hunt said the UK was a long way behind its global counterparts and called for action by local health commissioners to tackle the five big killers - cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory and liver diseases. Drinking and drug use have been the main issues behind the worsening of the UK's ranking in early deaths among adults aged 20-54. In 2010, drugs were the sixth leading cause of death in this age group and alcohol was 18th - up from 32nd and 43rd place respectively 20 years earlier.

Hunt will on Tuesday announce a strategy to tackle cardiovascular disease, which he says could save 30,000 lives a year. "Despite real progress in cutting deaths, we remain a poor relative to our global cousins on many measures of health, something I want to change," he said. "For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around.” However, the problem is only in part to do with hospital care - much of it is about the way we live. Our diet, our drinking and continuing smoking habits all play a part, which assumes its responsibilities on 1 April.

 The best title for this passage could be ________.



A. Life expectancy in the UK in comparison with other countries 

B. The causes of early deaths in the UK 

C. Life expectancy in the UK and its efforts to solve health problems 

D. Five big killers in the UK

3 tháng 7 2017

đáp án C

Chủ đề về Healthy lifestyle & longevity

Tiêu đề phù hợp nhất với bài đọc này có thể là __________.

A. Tuổi thọ trung bình ở Vương Quốc Anh so với các quốc gia khác

B. Các nguyên nhân dẫn tới tỷ lệ chết trẻ ở Anh

C. Tuổi thọ trung bình ở Anh và các nỗ lực của quốc gia này nhằm giải quyết các vấn đề về sức khỏe

D. Năm nguy cơ lớn gây tử vong ở Anh

Căn cứ vào thông tin xuyên suốt bài đọc ta thấy:

Đáp án A chỉ xuất hiện thông tin ở đoạn 1

Đáp án B, D chỉ xuất hiện thông tin là các ý nhỏ ở đoạn 2

Đáp án C bao trùm thông tin của toàn bài đọc

=> Do đó, đáp án là C.

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.

People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take a toll. Second came Italy, with 70.2 years and third was Australia, on 70.1 years. In the UK, we can expect 68.6 healthy years of life.

Hunt said the UK was a long way behind its global counterparts and called for action by local health commissioners to tackle the five big killers - cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory and liver diseases. Drinking and drug use have been the main issues behind the worsening of the UK's ranking in early deaths among adults aged 20-54. In 2010, drugs were the sixth leading cause of death in this age group and alcohol was 18th - up from 32nd and 43rd place respectively 20 years earlier.

Hunt will on Tuesday announce a strategy to tackle cardiovascular disease, which he says could save 30,000 lives a year. "Despite real progress in cutting deaths, we remain a poor relative to our global cousins on many measures of health, something I want to change," he said. "For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around.” However, the problem is only in part to do with hospital care - much of it is about the way we live. Our diet, our drinking and continuing smoking habits all play a part, which assumes its responsibilities on 1 April.

 According to the passage, what is NOT the cause of death in the UK?

A. drug

B. alcohol 

C. drinking 

D. food

21 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án D

Theo như bài văn, điều gì KHÔNG phải là nguyên nhân dẫn đến tử vong ở Anh?

A. ma túy            B. đồ có cồn          C. uống rượu                 D. thức ăn

Căn cứ vào thông tin đoạn 2:

- "Drinking and drug use have been the main issues behind the worsening of the UK’s ranking in early deaths among adults aged 20-54." (Uống rượu và sử dụng ma túy là những vấn đề chính đằng tình trạng ngày càng xấu đi ở Vương quốc Anh về tỷ lệ chết trẻ ở những người trưởng thành trong độ tuổi


- "In 2010, drugs were the sixth leading cause of death in this age group and alcohol was 18th - up from 32nd and 43rd place respectively 20 years earlier." (Trong năm 2010, ma túy là nguyên nhân gây tử vong đứng hàng thứ sáu ở lứa tuổi này và rượu là thứ 18 - tăng từ vị trí thứ 32 và 43 tương ứng của 20 năm trước đó.)

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.

People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take a toll. Second came Italy, with 70.2 years and third was Australia, on 70.1 years. In the UK, we can expect 68.6 healthy years of life.

Hunt said the UK was a long way behind its global counterparts and called for action by local health commissioners to tackle the five big killers - cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory and liver diseases. Drinking and drug use have been the main issues behind the worsening of the UK's ranking in early deaths among adults aged 20-54. In 2010, drugs were the sixth leading cause of death in this age group and alcohol was 18th - up from 32nd and 43rd place respectively 20 years earlier.

Hunt will on Tuesday announce a strategy to tackle cardiovascular disease, which he says could save 30,000 lives a year. "Despite real progress in cutting deaths, we remain a poor relative to our global cousins on many measures of health, something I want to change," he said. "For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around.” However, the problem is only in part to do with hospital care - much of it is about the way we live. Our diet, our drinking and continuing smoking habits all play a part, which assumes its responsibilities on 1 April.

 According to the passage, Hunt is showing his attempt to ________.



A. lower death rates 

B. better the health system in the UK 

C. take up more challenge 

D. change people's diet

12 tháng 7 2018

Đáp án B

Theo bài khóa, ông Hunt đang thể hiện quyết tâm trong việc ________.

A. giảm tỷ lệ tử

B. cải thiện hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe ở Anh

C. đương đầu với nhiều thử thách hơn

D. thay đổi chế độ ăn uống của người dân

Căn cứ vào phát ngôn của Hunt trong đoạn 3:

“For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around.” (“Trong một thời gian dài, chúng ta đã bị tụt lại phía sau và tôi muốn hệ thống y tế được cải cách để đón đầu thử thách và thay đổi sự kém hiệu quả đáng buồn như hiện nay”.)

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.

People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take a toll. Second came Italy, with 70.2 years and third was Australia, on 70.1 years. In the UK, we can expect 68.6 healthy years of life.

Hunt said the UK was a long way behind its global counterparts and called for action by local health commissioners to tackle the five big killers - cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory and liver diseases. Drinking and drug use have been the main issues behind the worsening of the UK's ranking in early deaths among adults aged 20-54. In 2010, drugs were the sixth leading cause of death in this age group and alcohol was 18th - up from 32nd and 43rd place respectively 20 years earlier.

Hunt will on Tuesday announce a strategy to tackle cardiovascular disease, which he says could save 30,000 lives a year. "Despite real progress in cutting deaths, we remain a poor relative to our global cousins on many measures of health, something I want to change," he said. "For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around.” However, the problem is only in part to do with hospital care - much of it is about the way we live. Our diet, our drinking and continuing smoking habits all play a part, which assumes its responsibilities on 1 April.

 The word “cardiovascular” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by ________.



A. respiratory

B. digestive 

C. skeletal 

D. cardiac

23 tháng 9 2018

Đáp án D

Từ: “cardiovascular” trong đoạn 2 có thế được thay thế bằng __________.

A. respiratory /ris'paiərətəri/ (adj): (thuộc) hệ hô hấp

B. digestive /di'dʒestiv/ (adj): (thuộc) hệ tiêu hóa

C. skeletal /'skelitl/ (adj): (thuộc) hệ xương

D. cardiac /'ka:diæk/ (adj): (thuộc) tim mạch

Căn cứ vào thông tin đầu đoạn 2:

"Hunt said the UK was along way behind its global counterparts and called for action by local health commissioners to tackle the five big killers - cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory and liver diseases. He will on Tuesday announce a strategy to tackle cardiovascular disease, which he says could save 30,000 lives a year.” (Hunt cho biết Vương quốc Anh còn một chặng đường dài để theo kịp bạn bè quốc tế và kêu gọi hành động từ các ủy viên y tế địa phương để giải quyết năm nguy cơ lớn gây tử vong - ung thư, bệnh tim, đột quỵ, hô hấp và bệnh gan. Vào thứ Ba ngày, ông sẽ công bố một chiến lược để giải quyết bệnh tim mạch, cái mà theo ông có thể cứu sống 30.000 người mỗi năm.)

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions.

People in the UK enjoy fewer years of good health before they die than the citizens of most comparable European countries as well as Australia and Canada, a major report shows. While life expectancy has improved by 4.2 years in the UK over the two decades, other countries have improved faster. In 2010, Spain topped the league. Its people could expect 70.9 years of healthy life - before disease and disability began to take a toll. Second came Italy, with 70.2 years and third was Australia, on 70.1 years. In the UK, we can expect 68.6 healthy years of life.

Hunt said the UK was a long way behind its global counterparts and called for action by local health commissioners to tackle the five big killers - cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory and liver diseases. Drinking and drug use have been the main issues behind the worsening of the UK's ranking in early deaths among adults aged 20-54. In 2010, drugs were the sixth leading cause of death in this age group and alcohol was 18th - up from 32nd and 43rd place respectively 20 years earlier.

Hunt will on Tuesday announce a strategy to tackle cardiovascular disease, which he says could save 30,000 lives a year. "Despite real progress in cutting deaths, we remain a poor relative to our global cousins on many measures of health, something I want to change," he said. "For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around.” However, the problem is only in part to do with hospital care - much of it is about the way we live. Our diet, our drinking and continuing smoking habits all play a part, which assumes its responsibilities on 1 April.

The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ________? 

A. challenge.

B. diet. 

C. problem. 

D. disease.

24 tháng 5 2017

Đáp án C

Từ “it” trong đoạn 3 đề cập tới _______.

A. thách thức       B. chế độ ăn           C. vấn đề                       D. bệnh tật

Căn cứ vào ngữ cảnh sau:

“For too long we have been lagging behind and I want the reformed health system to take up this challenge and turn this shocking underperformance around." However, the problem is only in part to do with hospital care - much of it is about the way we live. ("Trong một thời gian dài, chúng ta đã bị tụt lại phía sau và tôi muốn hệ thống y tế được cải cách để đón đầu thử thách và thay đổi sự kém hiệu quả đáng buồn như hiện nay”. Tuy nhiên, vấn đề chỉ nằm một phần nhỏ ở việc chăm sóc tại bệnh viện - mà phần lớn vấn đề là ở cách sinh hoạt hàng ngày của chúng ta.)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

The passage mainly discusses _______

A. The definition of life expectancy 

B. The comparison of life expectancy between women and men

C. The importance of a successful career 

D. The effects of a career on one’s life expectancy

18 tháng 7 2019

Đáp án : D

Đoạn 2 đã bắt đầu đi vào phân tích các yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới tuổi thọ, mà chủ yếu là yếu tố công việc (career). Sự ảnh hưởng của công việc tới tuổi thọ được phân tích về cả hướng tích cực và tiêu cực

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

The phrase “kick the bucket” in the passage is closest in meaning to “_______”

A. die

B. relax

C. live

D. succeed

26 tháng 1 2018

Đáp án : A

Kick the bucket = die = qua đời

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

The average life expectancy is 32,6 years in _______.

A. Swaziland

B. France

C. Australia

D. England

11 tháng 12 2019

Đáp án : A

Câu đầu đoạn 2: In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years -> ở các đất nước đang phát triển như Swaziland … tuổi thọ chỉ ở mức 32.6 năm

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

What is the main idea of the 1st paragraph?

A. Stress negatively affects life expectancy 

B. Making a bad career choice will make your life shorter 

C. Life expectancy has increased greatly over the last few centuries 

D. Stress results in lower life expectancy

17 tháng 3 2019

Đáp án : C

Đoạn 1 nói về tuổi thọ của con người đã và đang thay đổi, cụ thể là theo hướng sống lâu hơn. điều này được khẳng định trong dòng 4: Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

According to the passage, which of following is true if you have a successful career?

A. You can buy an expensive car

B. Your life expectancy increases by a decade 

C. You can afford to exercise and eat well

D. You can spend most of your day in an office

9 tháng 3 2018

Đáp án : B

Dòng 2 đoạn 3: Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas -> người giàu có ở Anh Quốc và Pháp sống lâu hơn 10 năm so với người ở những vùng nghèo khó ≈ nếu có sự nghiệp thành công thì tuổi thọ tăng lên một thập kỉ